Wednesday, November 21, 2012

100 Things To Do Before You Die

TODD CARLISLE, somehow in his near three decades on this planet, allowed his life to pass him by. Never taking chances, never taking risks, Todd became complacent on a dead end job and a dead end life. This all changed when he happened upon a 100 Things To Do Before You Die list. He is shocked to realize, no matter how ordinary, no matter how mundane some of the items are, he has achieve none of them. Finally realizing that inaction is his greatest foe, he takes it upon himself, with the help of some new friends, to accept the challenge: twenty-five before his next birthday; one hundred before his death.

Todd Carlisle: 0 down, 100 to go.

Available now as an e-book on Amazon.  Paperback will be available later this week.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Do Due Diligence (Renee Farias aka Model Actor Photo)

Update July 26, 2012
This morning, I received an email from Miranda Spigener, Renee Farias' publicist, which I have posted with my comments below.  A publicist with a publicist.  That's a new one for me.  
Dear Chris, 
I am writing you in regards to your recent blog posting blasting my client, L.A. photographer Renee Farias.
I think the term blasting is a bit much.  Harry Anderson often quoted Stanley Weiser, "A fool and his money were lucky to get together in the first place."  It is upsetting to me when people target the hopes and dreams of actors and attempt to take advantage of them and their money.  I am not saying Renee Farias is taking advantage of anyone, but after his numerous spam emails and my limited interaction with him, I would say that my opinion is that I am not confident of his ability to be a publicist.  As a photographer, he seems to be very talented.
Renee is a very reputable photographer based here in L.A.  He has been written up in the trades and fashion magazines as a top photographer. He also shoots for celebrities as a preferred photographer for Kelly Stables (The Exes, Two and a Half Men), Angyl Cromwell (Young and the Restless), Alex Curry (Sportscaster for Fox Sports) and several other actors and major brands.
I never argued that Renee Farias is a bad photographer.  In fact, I said in my original post that Renee "is probably a very competent photographer" and that "the photos included in his mailers look good."  What I am leery about is his ability to brand himself as a publicist.  Going off nothing more than my inbox, his publicity services are just more mass mailings with "Introducing (actor name here)" in the subject line.  His misquoted price of, "$600 for $400 worth of services" and his barely readable reaction really concerned me as to what exactly he is trying to sell to actors.
I just spoke to Renee to discuss this matter after this was found in Google.  I would appreciate it if you would please remove this posting and any other shares of this post. I am more than happy to discuss this with you in case you need more information or have questions.
I'm sorry, but I will not remove this post.  Let's recap.  On 01/26/2012, Renee Farias (Model Actor Photo) added my email address to his newsletter.  I have no knowledge or working relationship with Renne Farias, which means he probably harvested my email off another site.  I immediately emailed him back stating I had no interest in his emails and to remove me from his mailing list.  He removed me.  On 06/27/2012 I was readded and I started to receive his spam.  On 07/02/2012 the interaction from my previous post took place (see further below), so I took it upon myself to review, using my professional knowledge, of Renee's probable ability as a publicist.  

I would advise you to direct your client to the Federal Trade Commission's rules for email harvesting (aka CAN-SPAM) so he isn't creating a liability for himself if he is in fact harvesting email addresses.
Contact me direct at 323-610-2565.
That won't be necessary.
Kind regards,
Miranda K. Spigener, Publicist - Producer - Management
Miranda Spigener | Film PR Literary
323-300-5368 Office
The contents of this email are legally privileged, confidential and intended for recipients of this email only. If you have received this email in error please delete from your system and notify the sender so this can be corrected. Any republication of this email without consent of Miranda Spigener or constitutes a legal offense and must be removed within 24 hours.
As I am not your doctor, lawyer, priest or husband, nothing in your email is legally privileged and as a contract needs to be agreed on by both parties, and as such since a "meeting of the minds" never took place between you and I, I will state here that I do not agree to your proposed terms.  Therefore, your language is not legally binding or enforceable.

Actors, I cannot stress this enough, always research the person your are giving money to.  Agents and Managers are not allowed to take fees outside of commission, they should never refer you to their photographer or classes, and if the PR you are getting is just someone mass mailing to emails they have harvested, you can probably do that on your own.

Original post July 2, 2012: I get a healthy amount of spam and not just the email blasts for Viagra or Porn, but somehow I am added to a handful of new mailing lists every couple of months.  9 times out of 10, they are photographers offering specials on headshots.  Actors always need headshots, so I usually just virtually file them away without a second thought.

As of late, I've been receiving emails from Renee Farias also known as Model Actor Photo (  He is probably a very competent photographer and the photos included in his mailers look good.  However, he is also pushing his PR and Marketing services.  I've worked with some wonderful publicists and know what a thankless job it is, and was leery seeing a photography shill out a service he probably has no experience in.  But, it's up to each potential client of his to do the due diligence and make sure they aren't throwing their money into a vacuum where their high expectations will be met with little to no results.

Actual Screenshot
Then, I received the latest mass mailer from Renee Farias (aka Model Actor Photo) which had the huge headline, $600 for $400 worth of PR/Marketing Services!  I rolled my eyes at what was either a huge typo or he was actually short selling himself on purpose.  I assumed the former and sent him an email so he could hopefully fix his mailer.  I received the following response from Renee Farias (ask Model Actor Photo):
Actual screenshot
No my silly rep mess this one up.

It’s rare this is ever a blunder, but this new rep
created this blunder. A new email is going out.

He sent out with my approval. He is out of here.
I normally proof everything.

Sorry. New email going out.

Best Regards,
Renee Farias
Normally, I would have just laughed at that horribly constructed response, but then remembered that he's shilling PR services.  Renee Farias (aka Model Actor Photo) could barely construct an email to one of the people he's mass mailing, someone he either sees a potential client or a source of referrals.  If this is the type of email I receive from him, what kind of PR/Marketing is he out there doing?  What kind of damage to your career will you get for $600 a month.

Always be wary and always do your research on anyone that offers you anything that costs money.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Unsolicited Submission - Deleted (The Trailer)

Every day an aspiring writer sends me an Unsolicited Submission, and sadly most of them are bad.  Recently I received one so horribly written, I have decided to start making the worst into trailers.

That said, this was the email I received:

ALEX is diagnosed with a strange allergy since he was six years old. Whenever someone he cares for leaves him, he’ll get a rash, and sure enough, everybody he cares for leaves him. Misguided by his alcoholic grandfather, MURPHY, Alex believes he’s allergic to love and other people. In order to de-rash himself, he reprograms his world with only imaginary friends, good and evil.
When Murphy finally wakes up from his hangover, a decade has gone by. He blames vodka for turning his grandson into a loner and gets an idea that’s even more alcoholic: hiring three roommates to keep Alex company before he moves to heaven in a room with no view.  Life suddenly spins with fun, maybe too much fun, especially when Alex realizes he’s incurably falling for JOJO, the quirky girl who gave herself a love vaccine when she was eleven years old. But instead of fighting the unwanted love, they decide to nib it in the bud creatively: over-do it, and get over it, hopefully, with no pain.
My latest screenplay, DELETED, is a whimsical romantic comedy celebrating a hero’s journey of running away from love, yet along the way, he finds courage, freedom, sneakers and ultimately, the true meaning of love and what it is to be human.
 And now, my trailer for DELETED...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Unsolicited Submissions

I am a writer, but also am a producer.  Being a producer means many things, and while most of them are constantly working in an attempt to get a film greenlit, as an independent filmmaker, I must also make some sort of name for myself as a writer and as a producer. 

As a producer, I'm listed on IMDB and for a few bucks a month, you can sign up for their subscription service and get all my work details (office address, phone number, and email address).  While this is great since with a name like Christopher Smith, it's that much harder to actually make a name for myself, it does make me that much easier to find by everyone.

Every aspiring and struggling writer, like I said, for a few bucks, can get my contact info.  For the most part, I don't mind.  I was, and in many aspects of the word, still am a struggling writer.  I write and then I must get my words out there in the eyes of other readers.  For other writers, under my producer's hat, I am those eyes you are attempting to have read your material. 

I read all my emails and will admit, occasionally I receive a logline or synopsis that sounds fantastic and I want to read it.  In which case, I do make myself available, even if you never hear from me.  Other times what a writer sends just isn't my area of interest or is it something I don't think I can do anything with, for at least in that moment.  But then there's the rest of the emails I receive. 

Here is my bit of advice, something that was pounded into my head from every writing mentor I had.  If you are going to write a script, book, or whatever and you pour months and perhaps even years of your life into that material, do not, I repeat, do not write your cover letter in haste.  I get so many letters from writers that do not even proof their cover letter, that I am embarrassed for them.  A summary or logline is supposed to tell me in as little words as possible why I should not just want but need to read your script.  However, the loglines I receive, are so poorly written, on too many occasions, I cannot understand what your story is about.  If that's the case, and even if your screenplay is brilliant, you have failed as a writer.

I strongly believe that any story, no matter how outlandish, no matter how crazy, can be a great story, it just needs to be written well.  If you cannot piece together a couple paragraphs, then, to me (and to most other producers) your idea will be tossed and your email will be deleted.